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EndNote Guide


Use Groups to organise your references.

There are two types of Groups:

  • Groups - folders where you can drag and drop references 
  • Smart Groups - are built with search strategies. New references that satisfy the search will be added to the group automatically

To add a new group click on Groups and select either:

  • Create Group - Name the group
  • Create Smart Group -  Enter keywords

Groups can be organised under sections by creating a Group.

View a video on how to create Groups.

EndNote Creating Groups (Source: Drexel Libraries)


Smart Groups in Endnote X8 (Source: Plymouth University)

Sorting Your Library

You can sort your EndNote library in two ways:

  1. Click on the column headings to sort A-Z or Z-A.
  2. Go to Tools > Sort Library then select the fields to sort by. You can select alphabetical or reverse alphabetical by clicking the button on the right.

Searching Your Library

Search your EndNote library using the search box at the top of your screen.  If this box is not visible go to Tools > Search library.

Enter search terms.

Your results will appear in a seperate folder called Search Results.