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A persistent identifier (PID) is a long-lasting reference to a digital resource. There is a growing need to uniquely identify instruments in many research communities. PIDs for instruments have many potential benefits:
- To enable unambiguous reference to digital representations of instruments
- To generate metrics that quantify the use of instruments and the rationale for future funding
- To link data to the instruments that generated them (provenance) to help with published papers and data tracking and citation
- To aid equipment logistics and mission planning
- To improve the discoverability and visibility of instruments and their data, published on the web
Some of the information presented here was sourced from the ARDC website
Assigning identifiers to each item of data, software or research resource is essential for the future of research. Identifiers are used in computer systems to identify, connect and retrieve research items, activities and data. They accurately attach researchers to their research activities and allow research items and products to be a citable part of the scholarly record
Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) are used to uniquely identify digital research works, and provide a persistent link to the location of the work on the internet; they also enable citation and tracking of citation metrics.
For published works, the publisher usually assigns a DOI to the work.
For unpublished works, or grey literature, the UC Library, via the ARDC DOI Service, can also assign DOIs to grey literature such as theses, reports, unpublished conference papers, newsletters, creative works, preprint journal articles, technical standards and specifications for which the institutional repository is the primary publication point.
This section refers to software, in source code or compiled form, that supports scholarly research. Software may be downloaded, compiled, executed and instantiated.
DOIs are used to uniquely identify both research data and software, and provide a persistent link to the location of the object on the internet. DOIs also enable citation and citation metrics.
The ARDC allows the UC Library to mint DOIs for research software, provided the citable item has the required metadata.
Unique identification of geologic and environmental physical samples collected during the course of research will facilitate sharing of samples and sample-based data.
The IGSN is a unique identifier that preserves the identity of a sample even as it is moved from lab to lab and as data appear in different publications. IGSNs can be applied to geologic and environmental samples such as rocks, drill cores and soils as well as related sampling features such as sections, dredges, wells and drill holes.
The IGSN system facilitates the location, identification, and citation of physical samples used in research. Read more about the ARDC's IGSN service and best practice on how to use it.
There are several identification systems for researchers e.g. Researcher ID, Author ID and ORCiD.
All research staff are encouraged to create an ORCID account and include their ORCiD ID in their PURE profile, and add it in all research activities where they are credited.
DOIs are used to uniquely identify research data, and provide a persistent link to the location of the object on the internet. DOIs also enable citation and citation metrics for the research data.
Identifiers for funded projects allow linking of grant and project descriptions to research data and associated software as relevant parties.
Identifiers for research activities allow oversight across the whole research activity and make reporting and data provenance clear and easy. The Research Activity Identifier (RAiD) is an identifier for research projects and activities.
All types of ARC and NHMRC research grants are assigned a PURL (permanent URL).
The grants and their PURLs are searchable on the RDA website, Grants & Projects section.
UC research publications associated with an ARC or NHMRC grant will have the PURL added to the PURE record when located.