Title of work Year of production, format, Studio/Publisher, Location. Credits.
The Lord of the Rings: the return of the king 2003, motion picture, Imagine Films, Auckland. Produced by Steve Pyke, directed by Peter Jackson.
Sense and sensibility 1995, DVD, Columbia TriStar Home Video, Australia. Directed by Ang Lee.
Film or Broadcast
When citing a source you haven't read yourself, but which is referred to in a source you have read.
Lilly (as cited in Maxwell 1999, p.25) stated that '...'
'...' (Schwartz as cited in Burton, Westen & Kowalski 2009, p.63)
Maxwell, F 1999, Phonology, Brooks Cole, San Francisco.
Burton L, Westen D & Kowalski R 2009, Psychology, Wiley, Milton, Qld.
If there is no author - substitute the title in the position of the author.
Title of work Year of publication, Publisher, Location.
Macroeconomics, prices and quantities: Essays in memory of Arthur M. Okun 1983, Blackwell, Oxford, England.
If the location is not known - substitute n.p. in place of the location.
There are no guidelines for citing works with no publisher in the Style Manual: For Authors, Editors and Printers. It is acceptable in other styles to use the location and date. Consult your lecturer before citing material without a publisher.
If the date is not known - substitute an approximate date (c. for circa or ? after date) or n.d. in place of the year.
Author, AA c. year, Title of work, Publisher, Location.
Author, AA n.d., Title of work, Publisher, Location.
Author, AA 1943?, Title of work, Publisher, Location.
Smythe, V c. 2007, Ant colonies: How they communicate, Emu, Canberra.
Browne, JD n.d., Forensic science as a career, Tower, London.