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Literature Reviews for the Health Sciences: How to search

This guide will show you how and where to find the material for a literature review


This page provides guidance on how to develop your search strategy for searching scholarly databases. 

For online searches via search engines we have provided guidance and tools to make these searches more effective.

Create a Search String for Efficient Searching of Academic Databases

This guide will show you how to develop your search strategy and locate relevant papers in scholarly databases.

It is presented as a PDF for easy printing / saving.

How to create a search string from your PICO(T) question, and apply it to a search in Cinahl

The search string created in this presentation would be expressed as:

("premature infant*" OR "preterm infant*") AND ("music therapy" OR music OR sing* OR song) AND (stress* OR distress OR anxiety)

How to create a MeSH search query in PubMed