The University of Canberra Library aims to provide a relaxed environment and a range of high quality scholarly information resources. The Library facilitates this with the provision of:
General collection on Level D
Short-Loan collection on Level B
Online Journals and E-books
Theses on Level D or online
Rare Books and Clough collections on Level D (closed access)
National Centre for Australian Children's Literature collection (closed access)
Study Spaces
Open plan seating study areas
Bookable group study rooms
A range of study zones to meet different study needs:
Level B: Moderate noise study zone
Level C: Moderate noise study zone, with bookable group study rooms
Level D: Quiet study zone
Student access computers
Student and staff wi-fi including access to printers
Low cost photocopying / printing
Self-service loan machine to enable borrowing and renewing loans
An Assistive Technology (AT) room on Level B, with assistive software for students registered with InclusionUC
Kitchens with boiling and chilled water, sinks and microwaves
Vending machine with a variety of snack food and drinks