Reading Lists
University Copyright Officer
If you record your lectures (or they are automatically recorded by Echo360) for later streaming and/or downloading, you must make sure that only authorised copyright material is included in the recording that is distributed to students.
There may be differences between presenting original copyright materials in a lecture and making a copy of these materials available via a lecture recording.
In the following, ‘streaming’ includes the availability of a lecture recording for live viewing, and the facility for students to download a lecture recording for later viewing.
You can stream the following podcasts:
A Part VA Warning notice must be displayed just before the podcast is downloaded by the students.
Academics have a personal responsibility to ensure that their course is compliant with Copyright, including courses which they have 'taken over' from another academic.
Pardee Hall - English Department by Lafayette College under a CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 licence
The Copyright Act allows you to read from a literary work and to perform a dramatic work in a class or lecture. If you record a lecture containing excerpts from these works you must take the following actions:
Under the Music Licence you can stream CDs and sound recordings to students and staff but: