ClickView landing page showing new releases & popular titles.
Content added to the 'UC ClickView Library' is accessible to all students. The UC ClickView library contains titles requested by staff and students.
A repository of feature films, documentaries & TV programs - that other educational institutions have elected to share. Titles from the exchange can be selected to share with the UC ClickView Library & UC students.
Has this title already been added to the library & shared with students?
The blue 'library' indicates that a title has been placed in the UC ClickView Library or is in ClickView University Library - accessible to all students & staff. The green 'exchange' indicates the item is only in the exchange and is not viewable to all students. However, titles can be added to the UC ClickView Library so all students can access.
Your own private workspace - edit interactive videos, and TV programmes.
Curate a collection of videos relevant to your requirements. Short video on - How to create a playlist?
Create New Playlists form the Playlist tab
Rolling 14 days of TV recordings from free to air TV - 28 days if selecting the Queensland region. Option to select TV content to be added to your workspace. See TV Content tab, above for more information.
►Please note students have different access to ClickView content ►
New release titles at ClickView Exchange
► From the Exchange tab select Categories and Films.
TV Tab - select Region & select which state you are searching for TV content.
TV content can be found by Selecting the TV tab.
Search by ► General search from Home tab ► Channels ► Programmes ► TV Guide.
The TV guide can be used to select TV content ahead of time. Requested content is automatically added to your 'Workspace' when it becomes available.
Request programs ahead of time? Request Ad free TV?
ClickView TV Tutorials - Closed Caption searching - Using TV Cloud Editor.
— Adding content to the UC ClickView Library ensures students have access —
Playlists allow you to curate a collection that is specific to your needs & interests.
Short video on creating & adding items to a playlist.
Access to tutorials on how to get started, search frequently asked questions and contact the support team.
► ClickView Tertiary Training Videos
Training videos specifically aimed at tertiary level
► Help
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