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Library Search

My Favorites

Saving items
If you are signed in, when the click on the Pin icon for an item in the search results, the system adds the item to the Favorites list.

You can export items in your favourites list to:
BibTex, EndNote/RIS, EasyBib, EndNote Web, Print, Email.

Saving queries
If you are signed in, you can save a query by clicking on the pin icon SAVE QUERY above the search results. 

You can also "Turn on notification for this query" to receive email notifications when there is an update to the query.

Activating Alerts and RSS Feeds

  1. Make sure you are signed In to Library Search
  2. Click the Favorites (pin) icon at top right. You will see My Favorites page. 
  3. Select Saved Searches. Choose icons for RSS Feeds and/or Alerts to set them up.

Alerts run your query automatically at scheduled timed and send you new results via email.

RSS feeds are also used to notify you of new items found by the query. All you need is to have an RSS reader installed on your computer.


On the Results page, you can click on an article title and scroll to the bottom of the record to see which other articles have cited it in Scopus and Web of Science.


You need to be Signed In order to add tags.

On the Results page, click on the item that you want to add tags.

Scroll down to the Tags section to add your tags.

Tags are words or phrases that you can assign to items to help you organize and remember them. You can assign as many tags to an item as you like.

Click a tag to search for all items that have been assigned the tag. 

My Library Card

When you are signed in, you can see your loans, fines etc in the My Library Card section.


Create references/citations for your assignment

Library Search will automatically generate references from your search results in APA, MLA, or Chicago style.

Click on the three dots next to the title (or click on the title to open the full record):

Click on the Citation button, and then select the type of reference you need


Click on Copy to Clipboard, and paste the reference into the reference list in your document.

How do I Request an item that is on loan

A book that on loan has the note Not Available.

To Request this item, click on the link Not Available.

Click on the Request link.

Specify the Not Required After date and Send Request.