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Systematic Reviews in Health

Reporting with PRISMA 2020


PRISMA - (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses), is a standard that provides guidance for the reporting of Systematic Reviews.  

PRISMA Checklist

The PRISMA Statement provides a minimum set of items for reporting a Systematic Review.  It consists of a checklist of items to include in the report, and a flow diagram.  The PRISMA statement is updated from time-to-time, however the latest version of the PRISMA statement will always be made available on the PRISMA Statement website.

PRISMA Flow Diagrams

The flow diagram depicts the flow of information through the different phases of a Systematic Review. It maps out the number of records identified, included and excluded, and the reasons for exclusions.  Different flow diagram templates are available here depending on the type of review (new or updated) and sources used to search for studies.

PRISMA Extensions

There are several extensions of the PRISMA Statement for reporting of different types or parts of systematic reviews. For example PRISMA-P for developing a research protocol and PRISMA-S for reporting on database searches.

The various extensions are available here.