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This guide provides copyright information and links, but not legal opinion, which are relevant to the University community

Reading Lists

The Reading List service provides unit conveners with a convenient way of making reading material available within their Canvas page to facilitate student access. Library staff assist by making high quality scans of original documents ie chapters or excerpts from texts, and monitor copyright across all units.

Copyright limitations per unit in each teaching period

Books: One chapter or 10% (whichever is greater) of an edition.

Journals: One article from each issue, or more than one if it is for the same research topic.

Note that we are not permitted to upload different sections of a document sequentially to avoid the copyright limits.

If you need to use additional material from the same document, Library staff may be able to:

  • Order more copies of the physical book for the Short Loan collection
  • Purchase or subscribe to the ebook edition (if available)
  • Scan the chapter from a different edition (if available)
  • Scan an alternate reading of your choice
  • Contact the publisher of out-of-print books and get written permission to reproduce more of the document (requires some lead time).

More information: 

Guidance on creating a Reading List.

Contact the UCLearn support team via or attend a virtual drop-in.

Using Creative Works in Teaching

For teaching your students, you may copy:

  • One chapter of a book, or 10% of the pages (10% of the words if the work is in electronic form)
  • One article from a journal or newspaper (more if the articles are for the same assignment, or are on the same subject matter in a special edition)
  • 15 pages from an anthology (for example: a collection of short stories)
  • All of an artistic work, for example: a diagram or photo (when not available for separate purchase)
  • 10% of a sheet music piece or play

You may:

  • Make multiple photocopies
  • Create a course pack
  • Have the material available online through a Leganto reading list.


Academics have a personal responsibility to ensure that their course is compliant with Copyright, including courses which they have 'taken over' from another academic.

Pardee Hall - English Department

Pardee Hall - English Department by Lafayette College under a CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 licence

Document Delivery

The Library may be able to supply copies through Document Delivery up to the following limits:

  • One chapter or 10% of a book (whichever is greater)
  • One article from a journal issue, or more than one if it is for the same research topic.