What are the benefits of having copies of my work in the UC Research Portal?
The University of Canberra (UC) Research Portal is an open access digital collection containing the research output of UC staff and post-graduate students. Included are digital theses, journal articles, conference papers, reports and more.
The Portal displays the research outputs and increases their exposure and impact by making them visible and freely available through services such as Google, Trove, Google Scholar, ROAR, and CORE
UC Researchers should submit all works into PURE. For assistance with this process contact @Research Analytics
If you would like to make the author’s accepted manuscript version of any of your current PURE publications open access you can email the file to: libraryliaison@canberra.edu.au and we will process it for you.
The full text will only be displayed via the Portal if one of the following apply:
For more information see the Copyright page in this guide.
Pre-print – the version of a journal or conference paper that is submitted for peer review. This version may subsequently be revised by the author as a result of reviewers’ comments.
Post-print – the author’s accepted manuscript version of a paper, i.e. post peer-review and with any suggested revisions incorporated.
Published version – often called the Publisher’s PDF, this version includes changes made by the publisher whilst preparing the manuscript for publication and generally includes formatting, layout, pagination and other changes made as a result of copy-editing.