Once information from grey literature sources is obtained, an additional challenge for the researcher is to determine the quality of that information.
Ideally, grey literature (especially unpublished Randomised Controlled Trials) should be appraised to the same standard, and using the same Critical Appraisal Tools as those used to evaluate black literature.
AACODS Checklist
Jess Tyndall, Medical Librarian and Head of the Gus Fraenkel Medical Library at Flinders University, developed the AACODS checklist (Authority, Accuracy, Coverage, Objectivity, Date, Significance) as an evaluation and Critical Appraisal Tool specifically for use with grey literature sources. 1
Grey Literature for Health Research: a Vital Resource (slides)
Presentation by Jess Tyndall on grey literature and health research at the Where is the evidence conference 2013 held at the State Library of Victoria, Melbourne, 11/11/13