University of Canberra
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This guide provides you with links to online resources for Law

Getting Started with Legal Research

When undertaking legal research it is best to begin by consulting  Secondary Materials such as books, journals, legal dictionaries and encyclopedias. These will provide the broader legal context of an issue, alert you to areas of uncertainty and debate,  as well as referring to key legislation and cases. Use the side menu of this guide to locate these secondary sources. You may then wish to search Primary Materials, including legislation and case law.


Legal Problem Solving

Legal problem solving becomes much easier when following a structured method.  Two methods used at UC are F.I.L.A and IRAC


  • Determine the legally relevant or "material" Facts
  • Identify the particular legal Issue(s) raised by the relevant facts
  • Find the applicable Law(s)       
  • Apply the law   
  • Come to a conclusion and advise your client. 

For further details see the UC Law School's Guide.

2. IRAC (Issue, Rule, Application, Conclusion) 
This method is both a specific method of case analysis, or legal reasoning, and a useful framework for organising or writing out an analysis. It involves laying out the issue to be discussed, identifying the relevant legal rule, the application or analysis of material facts based on that rule, and the overall conclusion.
Further details are available courtesy of this Guide from the University of Western Australia.

Legal Writing

Law exam techniques

This exam preparation guide prepared by Monash University Library provides a guide on how to prepare for exams, including tips and tricks and how to answer the problem questions. 

Legal Research: Self Help Tools

Download the PowerPoint slide deck to access a past Legal Research Skills presentation by UC Library Staff. 

The Learning outcomes were as follows: 

  • know how to seek in-person & virtual help from UC Library
  • be able to locate and utilize the Law Subject Guide to source scholarly legal resources
  • know how to construct targeted searches, including the use of  Boolean operators and evaluate their outputs
  • have strategies to keep up to date with current legal trends & research
  • understand the basic functionality of EndNote X9
  • be able to navigate to the AGLC4 referencing guide

Legal Research Guides