University of Canberra
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Read & Publish Agreements and Publisher Discounts: Cambridge

This guide explains Read & Publish open access agreements provided for UC researchers by the Library. These agreements remove Article Processing Fees payable by authors for open access publishing to included publishers and journals.

Cambridge Journals Read & Publish Agreement

The University of Canberra has a Read & Publish Agreement with Cambridge University Press for 2024

Journals included in this agreement

This agreement allows for publishing open access with no transactional article processing charges (APCs) in 398 Cambridge University Press journals:

Full title list with R&P Agreement inclusion status (airtable)

Eligible article types

These article types qualify for the R&P agreement:

  • Research Articles
  • Review Articles
  • Rapid Communications
  • Brief reports
  • Case Reports

See the CAUL Read & Publish page for exclusions.

Limitations of the agreement

  • Your article must be accepted for publication between 1/1/2023 - 31/12/2023  
  • The number of articles that will be accepted under this agreement with Cambridge in their Gold & Hybrid journals is not limited
  • Page and colour charges are not included in the R&P agreement, and only apply to print journals. Journals that have page charges (for print) are:

    • Radiocarbon (RDC)
    • Weed Technology (WET)
    • Invasive Plant Science and Management (INP)
    • Weed Science (WSC).
Retroactive Open Access:
  • Authors who do not select the OA option and are identified as eligible under a R&P agreement are informed of the open access opportunity via a monthly outreach campaign
  • A simple online form allow authors to select their creative commons licence. This form functions as an addendum to any existing agreement
  • If a contract has been processed on Ironclad, authors will amend their original agreement
Green Open Access

Preprints or submitted manuscripts under review (SMUR) can be archived at any time. Author accepted manuscripts can be archived to institutional repositories at any time. For further information, view the Green Open Access Policy for Journals.

Creative Commons licenses

Authors participating in the Cambridge R&P Agreement may select from the following Creative Commons licences:

  • CC-BY
  • CC-BY-SA
  • CC-BY-ND
  • CC-BY-NC

For more information on Creative Commons licenses see the home page of this guide.

How to submit your article

  • Follow CUP’s usual article submission process via the journal’s homepage on Cambridge Core
  • On acceptance of the article, CUP will ask the corresponding author to complete a form (publishing agreement)
  • The corresponding author selects Gold Open Access and confirms the licence type (i.e. CC-BY)
  • Rightslink works on the publisher's behalf to manage the APCs. When the submitting author is from an eligible CAUL institution, the APC will be automatically waived

See: A step by step guide to publishing open access in Cambridge journals.

In all correspondence with the publisher and Rightslink, authors must use their:

  • Institutional postal address
  • Institutional email address