This page contains troubleshooting instructions and links for a few of the common issues people experience with EndNote.
If you need further assistance with your EndNote library, contact the library.
On this page:
If your EndNote library is corrupt, follow these steps to use the Recover Library function:
If you experience difficulties with these steps or are unsure, please contact the library.
Sometimes it is necessary to set what programme RIS files open with.
Windows 11
EndNote can occasionally have issues with syncing your desktop library with your online library.
If this appears to be the case:
#!resetLocalSync |
Clarivate Support articles
Possible causes:
Track changes
If possible, don’t use EndNote and track changes at the same time. They can cause problems with each other.
Accept the changes and delete the comments in Track Changes then update your citations in the EndNote tab. Check this for errors.
MS Word could be corrupted.
To check this:
Repairing damaged field codes in a Word Document
Clarivate Support article: EndNote online: Cite While You Write (CWYW) could not connect to EndNote