University of Canberra
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EndNote: Adding References to Endnote

Adding references to EndNote

This page has instructions on exporting references from databases and then adding them to your endnote library. If there is a database not listed below that you would like assistance with, please contact the library on

Note: In EBSCO are multiple databases for different disciplines. The EBSCO logo will be to the left of the search box.

Find Full Text is not currently working. When the login screen appears, please press cancel. The citation will still be imported into your library. 

Some references will need to be added to EndNote manually.

  1. Click References then New Reference.
  2. From Reference Type change the drop-down to reflect the reference you are adding. (Journal Article, Website, book)
  3. Enter details depending on your chosen reference type and style.
  4. Click Save

For authors:

  1. Enter each author on a new line
  2. Add a comma at the end of a corporate author (e.g. University of Canberra,)
  3. The author may appear in red as you type. This is EndNote indicating it is a new term (not an author already in your library)

Adding a Single Reference

  1. Run your search on the UC library catalogue.
  2. Click on your desired resource to see more information

  3. Click on ENDNOTE / RIS for the desktop app and ENDNOTEWEB if you use the browser version.
  4. Click Encoding. The file will begin downloading. 

  5. Once the file has downloaded, click on it to open and import the reference into EndNote. If you have Find Full Text set, you will receive a prompt to log in.

The new reference can be found in the Imported References tab on the left side of your screen. 

Adding Multiple References

  1. Click the checkboxes beside the references you wish to import into EndNote.
  2. This banner will appear at the top, right above your search results. You can use this to adjust your selections. 

  3. Click on the three dots on the right.
  4. Click on ENDNOTE / RIS for the desktop app and ENDNOTEWEB if you use the browser version.
  5. Click Download. The file will begin downloading. It will be 1 file for all references selected.

Once the file has downloaded, click on it to open and import the references into EndNote. If you have Find Full Text set, you will receive a prompt to log in.

Adding a Single Reference

  1. Run your search in the database.
  2. Click the folder icon beside the reference you wish to export. It will save this in your folder at the top of the page. 
  3. Select the folder button at the top of the screen. 

  4. Click export on the right side of your screen.
  5. Ensure the right option is selected and then click save.
    (either Direct export in RIS Format for desktop or Direct Export for EndNote Web
  6. The file will begin downloading. Once the file has downloaded, click on it to open and import the reference into EndNote. If you have Find Full Text set, you will receive a prompt to log in.

The new reference can be found in the Imported References tab on the left side of your screen.

Adding Multiple References

If you are exporting from multiple databases at once within EBSCO, it will occasionally export fewer records than results found. Please export from each database separately and check the numbers. 

  1. Run your search in the database.
  2. Click on Share then E-mail a link to download exported results.

  3. Type in your email and change the format on the right side to RIS Format (e.g. CITAVI, EasyBib, EndNote, ProCite, Reference Manager, Zotero).

  4. Click Send then Continue. This will generate an email with a link to download your RIS file. It can a while for the email to arrive in your inbox.

  5. Click the link in the email. It will automatically begin downloading in your browser.
  6. Once the file has downloaded, click on it to open and import the reference into EndNote. If you have Find Full Text set, you will receive a prompt to log in.

The new reference can be found in the Imported References tab on the left side of your screen.

Adding a Single Reference

  1. Run your search.
  2. Select the box next to the reference you wish to export.
  3. Click Export then EndNote (RIS).

  4. Click the box next to Abstract & Keywords. This option will make it easier to search for your references in your library. 
  5. Click on Export. Once the file has downloaded, click on it to open and import the reference into EndNote. If you have Find Full Text set, you will receive a prompt to log in.

The new reference can be found in the Imported References tab on the left side of your screen.

Adding Multiple References

  1. Run your search.
  2. Select All then Select All.

  3. Click Export then EndNote (RIS).
  4. Click the box next to Abstract & Keywords. This option will make it easier to search for your references in your library.
  5. Click on Export. Once the file has downloaded, click on it to open and import the reference into EndNote. If you have Find Full Text set, you will receive a prompt to log in.

The new reference can be found in the Imported References tab on the left side of your screen.

Adding a Single Reference

  1. Run your search.
  2. Click the Share button at the bottom of the desired reference.

  3. Click Export.
  4. Click RIS then Download my file. 

  5. Once the file has downloaded, click on it to open and import the reference into EndNote. If you have Find Full Text set, you will receive a prompt to log in.

The new reference can be found in the Imported References tab on the left side of your screen.

Adding Multiple References

  1. Run your search.
  2. Click the Share button at the top of the search results

  3. Click Export.
  4. Click RIS then Download my file. Once the file has downloaded, click on it to open and import the reference into EndNote. If you have Find Full Text set, you will receive a prompt to log in.

The new reference can be found in the Imported References tab on the left side of your screen.

Adding a Single Reference

  1. Run your search.
  2. Select the box next to the reference you wish to export.

  3. Click Send to then Citations Manager. It will automatically come up with the option of the reference/s you have selected.

  4. Click Create File. This will begin the download of the EndNote file. 

  5. Once the file has downloaded, click on it to open and import the reference into EndNote. If you have Find Full Text set, you will receive a prompt to log in.

The new reference can be found in the Imported References tab on the left side of your screen.

Adding Multiple References

  1. Run your search.
  2. Click Send to then Citations Manager. Change the drop down to All Results.
  3. Click Create File. This will begin the download of the EndNote file. 
  4. Once the file has downloaded, click on it to open and import the reference into EndNote. If you have Find Full Text set, you will receive a prompt to log in.

The new reference can be found in the Imported References tab on the left side of your screen.

Adding a Single Reference

  1. Run your search.
  2. Select the box next to the reference you wish to export.

  3. Click Export. Select either EndNote desktop or EndNote online depending on the platform you’re using.
  4. This will bring up a screen with options to export only the selected reference, all records on the page, or a certain number of records up to 1000 at a time. Leave this option on You have selected _ results for export.
  5. Change the drop-down box (Record Content) to Author, Title, Source, Abstract. 
  6. Click Export.  Once the file has downloaded, click on it to open and import the reference into EndNote. If you have Find Full Text set, you will receive a prompt to log in.

The new reference can be found in the Imported References tab on the left side of your screen.

Adding Multiple References

  1. Run your search.
  2. Click Export. Select either EndNote desktop or EndNote online depending on the platform you’re using.
  3. This will bring up a screen with options to export all records on the page or a certain number of records up to 1000 at a time. Leave this option on All records on page.
  4. Change the drop-down box (Record Content) to Author, Title, Source, Abstract. 
  5. Click Export.  Once the file has downloaded, click on it to open and import the reference into EndNote. If you have Find Full Text set, you will receive a prompt to log in.

The new reference can be found in the Imported References tab on the left side of your screen.

Adding a Single Reference

  1. Run your search.
  2. Select the box next to the reference you wish to export.
  3. Click Export. This is located just underneath the original search bar. 
  4. Click the Citations tab.
  5. Click RIS, then Citation and Abstract. The abstract will make it easier to search for your references later. 
  6. Click Download. Once the file has downloaded, click on it to open and import the reference into EndNote. If you have Find Full Text set, you will receive a prompt to log in.

The new reference can be found in the Imported References tab on the left side of your screen.

Adding Multiple References

  1. Run your search.
  2. Click the box next to Select All on Page right above your search results. This will select all results on the page and not the whole search. You can increase the results on the page and export 100 at a time. There is not currently the option to export more than this.
  3. Click Export. This is located just underneath the original search bar.
  4. Click the Citations tab.
  5. Click RIS, then Citation and Abstract. The abstract will make it easier to search for your references later.
  6. Click Download. Once the file has downloaded, click on it to open and import the reference into EndNote. If you have Find Full Text set, you will receive a prompt to log in.

The new reference can be found in the Imported References tab on the left side of your screen.

Adding a Single Reference

  1. Run your search.
  2. Select the box next to the reference you wish to export.
  3. Click Export Citations. It will have the number of selected articles.
  4. Ensure that RIS is selected at the bottom of the pop-up. Click Download. Once the file has downloaded, click on it to open and import the reference into EndNote. If you have Find Full Text set, you will receive a prompt to log in.

The new reference can be found in the Imported References tab on the left side of your screen.

Adding Multiple References

  1. Run your search.
  2. Click the box next to Select All right above your search results. This will select all results on the page and not the whole search. You can increase the results on the page and export 100 at a time. There is not currently the option to export more than this.
  3. Click Export Citations. It will have the number of selected articles.
  4. Ensure that RIS is selected at the bottom of the pop-up. Click Download. Once the file has downloaded, click on it to open and import the reference into EndNote. If you have Find Full Text set, you will receive a prompt to log in.

The new reference can be found in the Imported References tab on the left side of your screen.

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