Share your desktop library with up to 100 other people using the Share Library function. All collaborators must be using the latest version of EndNote. Sharing the Desktop library also includes sharing the attachments. If sharing the Endnote Online library – only the references will be shared – not the attachments.
Caution: Your collaborators have full access to your library, and any changes made are permanent.
To share your library:
To share a group:
The person will receive this invitation through their email. If they use the desktop version of EndNote, your shared group will be in the left-hand pane under Groups Shared by Others.
A travelling library refers to the citations within a Word document that hasn’t been converted to plain text. If this document is shared, it is possible to import these references into your EndNote library.
To add the travelling library to your EndNote library:
This section assumes you have run the database searches for your systematic review and exported the results into Endnote. Please note also, Covidence will only work with Endnote or Zotero reference management software. At UC Endnote is supported.
Importing citations into Covidence from Endnote:
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