EndNote can find duplicate citations within your library. This can be helpful to ensure that you aren’t using multiple entries in EndNote for the same citation in your writing or for systematic reviews.
To remove duplicates in your library:
- Click Library > Find Duplicates.
EndNote will provide you with one of 2 pop-up boxes.
- No duplicates found
- A screen allowing you to compare the citations and pick which one to keep.
From the duplicates screen, there are a few methods to remove them depending on what you want to achieve.
- Individually selecting which references you want to keep by clicking Keep This Reference above the relevant one.
- Change the Primary Reference to reflect those you want to keep (Oldest, Newest, Most Complete), then click Keep All Primary Citations. This will remove all the duplicates with one click.
- Close the pop-up screen straight away. The duplicates will remain highlighted, and you can drag and drop them into the Trash or a group specified for duplicates.