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EndNote: Referencing Styles

EndNote Referencing Styles

EndNote has over 6,000 output styles but only installs the top few hundred. If your style is not listed, you can search for it and download it from the Clarivate EndNote site. Make sure you save the new style into the Output Styles folder in EndNote.

The University of Canberra EndNote styles are listed below and should be used in conjunction with the UC Referencing Guide. If you notice any errors in these styles please report the error to Library staff.

Known problem with EndNote APA 7th ed:

Multiple authors: EndNote cannot currently handle APA 7th's approach to 20+ authors. If you have more than 20 authors, you will need to edit your reference to replace the authors between the 19th and the last author with ellipses (...)

This style is created by the University of Canberra and is based on the online Australian Government Style Manual.

This style is created by the University of Canberra.

This style is created by the University of Canberra.

Click here for information on using footnotes with EndNote.

This style is created by the University of Canberra. This style uses abbreviated journal titles

This style is created by the University of Canberra. This style uses abbreviated journal titles.

This style is created by the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Library. Using EndNote with AGLC3

This style is created by IEEE.

To save these styles into the Output Styles folder in EndNote:

  1. Click on UC Style required from list below. It should download to your computer.
  2. Open the downloaded file. An EndNote screen similar to this should open
  3. Select File > Save As > Save
    Note: EndNote may state it is not responding whilst it is saving the referencing style. Please wait a little while for it to save and the program should return to normal.
  4.  Close Style window
  5. Open EndNote
  6. Double-click on a reference
  7. In the Summary tab on the right side of the screen drag the bottom portion up.
  8. Click the style

  9. Click Select another style

  10. Select your UC style from the list. (Unless you have renamed the style, they should all begin with UC) 

  11. Select choose

  12. Click on the style again. The UC style show now be in the list.


  1. Complete the steps listed in Installation Instructions first.
  2. Open Microsoft Word
  3. Go to the endnote tab along the top ribbon
  4. Click the box next to style.
  5. Select your UC referencing style
  6. If you have already placed references in your document, click update Citations and bibliography

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