The Library provides UC students and staff with access to EndNote reference management software.
Endnote is a bibliographic management program that:
System Requirements
For system requirements and word processor compatibility please see the EndNote Compatibility and Systems Requirements page.
(Firefox or Chrome are the preferred browsers for EndNote.)
Downloading EndNote
It is Essential that the Endnote program AND library is not installed/saved to Cloud storage. Some examples of Cloud storage include SharePoint, OneDrive, Google Drive and iCloud. For further information please see Clarivate warning on using Cloud Storage.
If you are using Chrome, the file will be in the top right of the browser.
Click the download button then select the folder.
This will locate the file in your computer.
If you don’t see this tab, please see the troubleshooting section of this guide.
If you need assistance with this process, contact the library
UC Desktop Computer
EndNote is already installed on the desktops in the library. If you are using another UC desktop, please check if the program is installed first before following the steps to install under UC Laptops.
It is Essential that the Endnote library is not saved to Cloud storage. Some examples of Cloud storage include SharePoint, OneDrive, Google Drive and iCloud. For further information please see Clarivate warning on using Cloud Storage.
To access EndNote:
If you are asked to update, please select Ignore this
First, search the computer to see if EndNote has been previously installed.
There are two methods for installing EndNote onto UC devices depending on if your computer is running Windows 10 or Windows 11.
Windows 10
Windows 11
There are now two versions of EndNote available online.
If you are using EndNote 20, please go to EndNote Online Classic.
If you are using EndNote 21 or are a new user, use EndNote Web.
For more information, see Other Versions of EndNote.
EndNote Click is a Google Chrome extension that connects to EndNote desktop and EndNote Web.
For more information, see the Clarivate EndNote Click Support page.
The 'Endnote for iPad' app allows you to view your references and read and mark up your stored PDFs. You will need to have an EndNote Online account to sync your references.