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UC Referencing Guide

Conference Proceedings


Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of proceedings. Publisher. DOI or URL


Bazirjian, R., & Speck, V. (Eds.). (2002). Charleston Conference proceedings. Libraries Unlimited.

Australian Psychological Society's Psychology of Relationships Interest Group Conference Proceedings. (2008). Australian Psychological Society.;res=IELHSS;isbn=9780909881375

Conference Paper - Published

Format - Paper in published proceedings

Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of paper. In A. A. Editor (Ed.), Title of proceedings (pp. xx-xx). Publisher. DOI or URL

Format - Paper in regularly published proceedings

Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of paper. Title of proceedings, volume(issue), pages. DOI or URL


Tester, J. W. (2008). The future of geothermal energy as a major global energy supplier. In H. Gurgenci & A. R. Budd (Eds.), Proceedings of the Sir Mark Oliphant International Frontiers of Science and Technology Australian Geothermal Energy Conference. Geoscience Australia.

Edge, M. (1996). Lifetime prediction: Fact or fancy? In M. S. Koch, T. Padfield, J. S. Johnsen & U. B. Kejser (Eds.), Proceedings of the Conference on Research Techniques in Photographic Conservation (pp. 97-100). Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts.

Kahn, J. T. (2011). Electrical and mechanical design of multipurpose ducted-fan type VTOL UAV. Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), 24th, 15-20.

Conference Paper - Unpublished

Format - Unpublished paper

Contributor, A. A. (Year, Month Day/s of symposium). Title of contribution. In B. B. Chairperson (Chair), Title of symposium [Symposium]. Conference Name, Location. URL

Format - Paper presentation or poster session

Presenter, A. A. (Year, Month Day/s of conference). Title of paper or poster session [Type of contribution]. Conference Name, Location. URL


Bernecky, R. (2003, June 11-14). An SPMD/SIMD Parallel Tokenizer for APL [Conference session]. APL 2003: Stretching the Mind, San Diego, CA.

No Author / Editor

General guidelines

If there is no author - substitute the title in the position of the author.


Title of work. (Year of publication). Publisher. DOI or URL


Macroeconomics, prices and quantities: Essays in memory of Arthur M. Okun. (1983). Blackwell.

No Year

General guidelines

If the date is not known use n.d. in place of the year. If you have an approximate date use the abbreviation ca. (circa) and the approximate year.


Author, A. A. (ca. year). Title of work. Publisher. DOI or URL

Author, A. A. (n.d.). Title of work. Publisher. DOI or URL


Smythe, V. (ca. 2007). Ant colonies: How they communicate. Emu.

Browne, J. D. (n.d.). Forensic science as a career. Tower.

Citing a Source Within a Source

Secondary source refers to information first reported in another source, the primary source. If it is possible, find the original source and read it, citing the original source.  If this is not possible then use the procedure below.

Provide a reference to the secondary source (the source you read) and, in-text, identify the primary source then write "as cited in" the secondary source that you used.  Include the original year if you know it.


(Author 1, Year of original, as cited in Author 2, Year)

Author 1, Year of original (as cited in Author 2, Year)

In-text reference

Lilly (as cited in Maxwell, 1999) stated that ...

"..." (Schwartz, 2006, as cited in Burton et al., 2009, p.63)

Reference list

Maxwell, F. (1999). Phonology. Brooks Cole.

Burton, L., Westen, D., & Kowalski, R. (2009). Psychology. Wiley.

EndNote Reference Type

Conference proceedings - Book or Electronic Book

Conference paper in a book - Book Section or Electronic Book Section

Conference paper in a periodical - Journal Article or Electronic Article

Unpublished paper - Conference Proceedings

Paper or poster session presented at a conference - Conference Paper