AGLC rule 3.1 (Legislative Materials) | Number Title Year (Jurisdiction abbreviation) Pinpoint. |
Note: Title and Year are not italic for a bill.
AGLC rule 3.7 (Explanatory Memoranda, Statements and Notes) | Number Explanatory Memorandum, Title Year (Jurisdiction abbreviation) Pinpoint. |
6 Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth).
9 Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld) s 15.
10 Australian Education Bill 2012 (Cth).
14 Explanatory Memorandum, Clean Energy Finance Corporation Bill 2012 (Cth).
Delegated legislation (e.g. regulations, rules and orders) should be cited in the same manner as primary legislation (see above).
39 Heritage Regulation 2006 (ACT) reg 5(1).
40 Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 2005 (NSW) r 6.2(1), (3A)(a)-(b)
Legislation - Statute (enter jurisdiction in Country)
Bill - Bill (enter jurisdiction in Legislative Body)
Explanatory Memorandum - Bill (enter jurisdiction in Legislative Body and add a prefix 'Explanatory Memorandum' to the entry in your Word document)
When a source is directly quoted in another work enter the reference as:
Full source, quoting Full source
Lorelle Burton, Drew Weston and Robin Kowalski, Psychology (Milton, 2nd ed, 2009), quoting J C Overholser, 'Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Social Phobia' (2002) 32 Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy 125.
When a source is cited (or just mentioned) in another work enter the reference as:
Full source, cited in Full source
G E Schwartz, 'Personality and Health: An Integrative health Science Approach' in VP Makosky (ed), The G. Stanley Hall Lecture Series: Vol 7 (American Psychological Association, 1987), cited in Lorelle Burton, Drew Weston and Robin Kowalski, Psychology (Milton, 2nd ed, 2009) 576.