AGLC rule 10.2 (Reported Decisions) | Number Case Name (Parties) (Phase) [Year] Report Series (Series Letter) Starting Page or Case Number, Pinpoint. |
Element |
Case Name |
(Parties’ Names or Advisory Opinion) |
(Phase) |
[Year] |
Report Series and (Series Letter) |
Starting Page and Case Number, |
Pinpoint. |
Rule |
10.2.1 |
10.2.2 |
10.2.3 |
10.2.4 |
10.2.5 |
10.2.6 |
10.2.7 |
Example |
East Timor |
(Portugal v Australia) |
(Judgement) |
[1995] |
ICJ Rep |
90, |
93. |
AGLC rule 10.4 (Unreported Materials) | Number Case Name (Parties) (Phase) (International Court of Justice, General List No xx, Day Month Year of Case) Pinpoint. |
3 Certain Phosphate Lands in Nauru (Nauru v Australia) (Preliminary Objections) [1992] ICJ Rep 240.
6 Certain Questions of Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (Djibouti v France) (Judgement) (International Court of Justice, General List No 136, 4 June 2008).
AGLC rule 11.1.1 (Reported Decisions) | Number Case Name (Parties) (Phase) (Year) Volume Report Series Starting Page, Pinpoint. |
Element |
Case Name |
(Parties’ Names) |
(Phase) |
(Year) Volume Report Series |
Starting Page, |
Pinpoint. |
Rule |
11.1.1 |
Example |
Responsibility for the Death of Letelier and Moffitt |
(United States of America v Chile) |
(Decision) |
(2005) 25 RIAA |
1, |
12-13. |
AGLC rule 11.2.2 (Unreported Decisions) | Number Case Name (Parties) (Phase) (Name of Tribunal, Case Number, Day Month Year of Case) Pinpoint. |
5 Responsibility for the Death of Letelier and Moffitt (United States of America v Chile) (Decision) (2005) 25 RIAA 1, 12–13.
6 Access to Information under Article 9 of the Ospar Convention (Ireland v United Kingdom) (Final Award) (Permanent Court of Arbitration, 2 July 2003) [146].
AGLC rule 12.1.2 (International Criminal Tribunals and Courts) | Number Parties (Phase) (Court, Chamber, Case No xx, Day Month Year of Case) Pinpoint. |
9 Simba v Prosecutor (Judgement) (International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, Appeals Chamber, Case No ICTR-01-76-A, 27 November 2007) [40]–[41].
Examples taken from Australian Guide to Legal Citation 3rd Edition.
International cases have no format in EndNote and must be entered manually.
When a source is directly quoted in another work enter the reference as:
Full source, quoting Full source
Lorelle Burton, Drew Weston and Robin Kowalski, Psychology (Milton, 2nd ed, 2009), quoting J C Overholser, 'Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Social Phobia' (2002) 32 Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy 125.
When a source is cited (or just mentioned) in another work enter the reference as:
Full source, cited in Full source
G E Schwartz, 'Personality and Health: An Integrative health Science Approach' in VP Makosky (ed), The G. Stanley Hall Lecture Series: Vol 7 (American Psychological Association, 1987), cited in Lorelle Burton, Drew Weston and Robin Kowalski, Psychology (Milton, 2nd ed, 2009) 576.