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UC Referencing Guide

Conference Proceedings - Notes

Format - First note

     Number. Editor, ed., Title of Work (Location: Publisher, Year of publication), page, DOI or URL

Examples - First note

     4. Rosann Bizirjian and Vicky Speck, eds., Charleston Conference Proceedings (Westport, CO.: Libraries Unlimited, 2002), 25.

     7. Australian Psychological Society's Psychology of Relationships Interest Group Conference Proceedings (Melbourne: Australian Psychological Society, 2008), 15,;res=IELHSS;isbn=9780909881375

Format - Subsequent notes

     Number. Editor, Brief Title of Work, page.

Examples - Subsequent notes

     9. Bizirjian and Speck, Charleston Conference Proceedings, 31.

     11. Psychology of Relationships Conference Proceedings, 27.

Conference Proceedings - Bibliography

Format - Bibliography

Editor, ed. Title of Work. Location: Publisher, Year of publication. DOI or URL

Examples - Bibliography

Australian Psychological Society's Psychology of Relationships Interest Group Conference Proceedings. Melbourne: Australian Psychological Society, 2008.;res=IELHSS;isbn=9780909881375

Bizirjian, Rosann, and Vicky Speck, eds. Charleston Conference Proceedings. Westport, CO.: Libraries Unlimited, 2002.

Conference Paper, Published - Notes

Format - Paper in published proceedings - First note

     Number. Author, "Title of Paper," in Title of Proceedings, ed. Editor (Location: Publisher, Year of publication), page, DOI or URL

Format - Paper in regularly published proceedings - First note

     Number. Author, "Title of Paper," Title of Proceedings Volume, no. Issue (Month Day, Year of publication): page, DOI or URL

Examples - First note

     3. Michele Edge, "Lifetime Prediction: Fact of Fancy?," in Proceedings of the Conference on Research Techniques in Photographic Conservation, eds. Mogens S. Koch, Tim Padfield, Jesper Stub Johnsen and Ulla Bogvad Kejser (Copenhagen: Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, 1996), 97.

     15. J. W. Tester, "The Future of Geothermal Energy as a Major Global Energy Supplier," in Proceedings of the Sir Mark Oliphant International Frontier of Science and Technology Australian Geothermal Energy Conference, eds. Hal Gurgenci and Anthony Budd (Canberra: Geoscience Australia, 2008),

     23. Jahanzeb T. Kahn, "Electrical and Mechanical Design of Multipurpose Ducted-Fan Type VTOL UAV," Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE) 24th (May 8-11, 2011): 17,

Format - Paper in published proceedings - Subsequent notes

     Number. Author, "Brief Title of Paper," page.

Format - Paper in regularly published proceedings - Subsequent notes

     Number. Author, "Brief Title of Paper," page.

Examples - Subsequent notes

     7. Edge, "Lifetime Prediction," 99.

     17. Tester, "Future of Geothermal Energy."

     27. Kahn, "Design of VTOL UAV," 20.

Conference Paper, Published - Bibliography

Format - Paper in published proceedings - Bibliography

Author. "Title of Paper." In Title of Proceedings, edited by Editors, pages. Location: Publisher, Year of publication. DOI or URL

Format - Paper in regularly published proceedings - Bibliography

Author. "Title of Paper." Title of Proceedings Volume, no. Issue (Month Day, Year of publication): pages. DOI or URL

Examples - Bibliography

Edge, Michele. "Lifetime Prediction: Fact or Fancy?" In Proceedings of the Conference on Research Techniques in Photographic Conservation, edited by Mogens S. Koch, Tim Padfield, Jesper Stub Johnsen and Ulla Bogvad Kejser, 97-100. Copenhagen: Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, 1996.

Kahn, Jahanzeb T. "Electrical and Mechanical Design of Multipurpose Ducted-Fan Type VTOL UAV." Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE) 24th. (May 8-11, 2011): 15-20.

Tester, J. W. “The Future of Geothermal Energy as a Major Global Energy Supplier.” In Proceedings of the Sir Mark Oliphant International Frontier of Science and Technology Australian Geothermal Energy Conference, edited by Hal Gurgenci and Anthony Budd. Canberra: Geoscience Australia, 2008.

Conference Paper, Unpublished - Notes

Format - First note

     Number. Author, "Title of Paper" (Description, Title of Conference, Location, Month Day, Year of conference), URL

Example - First note

     7. Robert Bernecky, "An SPMD/SIMD Parallel Tokenizer for APL" (Conference paper, APL 2003: Stretching the Mind, San Diego, CA., June 11-14, 2003),

Format - Subsequent notes

     Number. Author, "Brief Title of Paper."

Example - Subsequent notes

     14. Bernecky, "SPMD/SIMD Parallel Tokenizer for APL."

Conference Paper, Unpublished - Bibliography

Format - Bibliography

Author. "Title of Paper." Paper presented at Title of Conference, Location, Month Day, Year of conference.

Example - Bibliography

Bernecky, Robert. "An SPMD/SIMD Parallel Tokenizer for APL." Paper presented at APL 2003: Stretching the Mind, San Diego, CA., June 11-14, 2003.

No Author / Editor

If the author or editor is unknown, the note or bibliography entry should normally begin with the title.  An initial article is ignored in alphabetising.

Format - First note

     1. Title of Work (Location, Publisher, Year of publication), page, URL

Example - First note

     3. Macroeconomics, Prices and Quantities: Essays in Memory of Arthur M. Okun. (Oxford: Blackwell, 1983), 22.

Format - Subsequent notes

     2. Brief Title of Work, page.

Example - Subsequent notes

     4. Macroeconomics, Prices and Quantities, 27.

Format - Bibliography

Title of Work. Location: Publisher, Year of publication. URL

Example - Bibliography

Macroeconomics, Prices and Quantities: Essays in Memory of Arthur M. Okun. Oxford: Blackwell, 1983.

No Location / No Publisher / No Year

If the location is unknown, the abbreviation n.p. takes the place of the location.

If the publisher is unknown, just enter the location and date.

If the year is unknown, the abbreviation n.d. or an estimated year in brackets takes the place of the year.

Examples - First note

     5. J. D. Browne, Forensic Science as a Career (London: Tower, n.d.).

     9. V. Smythe, Ant Colonies: How They Communicate (Canberra: Emu, [2007?]).

Examples - Bibliography

Browne, J. D. Forensic Science as a Career. London: Tower, n.d.

Smythe, V. Ant Colonies: How They Communicate. Canberra: Emu, [2007?].

Citing a Source Within a Source

Cite all known details of the original source, then type 'quoted in' and cite details of the source you are viewing.

Examples - First note

     2. G. E. Schwartz, "Personality and Health: An Integrative Health Science Approach," in The G. Stanley Hall Lecture Series: Vol. 7, ed. V. P. Makosky (Washington: American Psychological Association, 1987), quoted in Lorelle Burton, Drew Westen and Robin Kowalski, Psychology, 2nd ed. (Milton, Australia: Wiley, 2009), 576.

     6. J. C. Overholser, "Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Social Phobia," Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy 32 (2002): 125-144, quoted in Lorelle Burton, Drew Westen and Robin Kowalski, Psychology, 2nd ed. (Milton, Australia: Wiley, 2009).

Examples - Subsequent notes

     4. Schwartz, "Personality and Health."

     10. Overholser, "Treatment of Social Phobia."

Examples - Bibliography

Overholser, J. C. "Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Social Phobia." Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy 32 (2002): 125-144. Quoted in Lorelle Burton, Drew Westen and Robin Kowalski. Psychology. 2nd ed. Milton, Australia: Wiley, 2009.

Schwartz, G. E. "Personality and Health: An Integrative Health Science Approach." In The G Stanley Hall Lecture Series: Vol. 7. Edited by V. P. Makosky. Washington: American Psychologial Association, 1987. Quoted in Lorelle Burton, Drew Westen and Robin Kowalski. Psychology. 2nd ed. Milton, Australia: Wiley, 2009.

EndNote Reference Type

Conference proceedings - Conference Proceedings

Conference paper published - Book Section, Electronic Book Section, Journal Article or Electronic Article

Conference paper unpublished - Conference Paper