Number Interview with Interviewee (Name of Interviewer, Location or Form of Interview, Day Month Year of Interview).
5 Interview with Raelene Boyle (Andrew Denton, Television Interview, 25 September 2006).
6 Interview with Kevin Rudd (Neil Mitchell, Radio Interview, 16 October 2009).
9 Interview with Derek Barnes (Christine Barnes, Telephone Interview, 25 November 2013).
Manuscript (enter Interviewer in Author, interviewee in Title, Location/Type of interview in Type of Work and full date in Date)
When a source is directly quoted in another work enter the reference as:
Full source, quoting Full source
Lorelle Burton, Drew Weston and Robin Kowalski, Psychology (Milton, 2nd ed, 2009), quoting J C Overholser, 'Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Social Phobia' (2002) 32 Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy 125.
When a source is cited (or just mentioned) in another work enter the reference as:
Full source, cited in Full source
G E Schwartz, 'Personality and Health: An Integrative health Science Approach' in VP Makosky (ed), The G. Stanley Hall Lecture Series: Vol 7 (American Psychological Association, 1987), cited in Lorelle Burton, Drew Weston and Robin Kowalski, Psychology (Milton, 2nd ed, 2009) 576.