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UC Referencing Guide

YouTube - Notes

Format - First note

     Number. Author, "Title of Video," Month Day, Year of creation, description, YouTube video, URL

Example - First note

     5. Kevin Rudd, "Update on New G20 Arrangements," September 29, 2009, YouTube video,

Format - Subsequent notes

     Number. Author, "Brief Title of Video."

Example - Subsequent notes

     6. Rudd, "G20 Arrangements."

YouTube - Bibliography

Format - Bibliography

Author. "Title of Video."  Month Day, Year of creation. YouTube video. URL

Example - Bibliography

Rudd, Kevin. "Update on New G20 Arrangements." September 29, 2009. YouTube video.

No Author / Editor

If the author or editor is unknown, the note or bibliography entry should normally begin with the title.  An initial article is ignored in alphabetising.

Format - First note

     1. Title of Work (Location, Publisher, Year of publication), page, URL

Example - First note

     3. Macroeconomics, Prices and Quantities: Essays in Memory of Arthur M. Okun. (Oxford: Blackwell, 1983), 22.

Format - Subsequent notes

     2. Brief Title of Work, page.

Example - Subsequent notes

     4. Macroeconomics, Prices and Quantities, 27.

Format - Bibliography

Title of Work. Location: Publisher, Year of publication. URL

Example - Bibliography

Macroeconomics, Prices and Quantities: Essays in Memory of Arthur M. Okun. Oxford: Blackwell, 1983.

No Location / No Publisher / No Year

If the location is unknown, the abbreviation n.p. takes the place of the location.

If the publisher is unknown, just enter the location and date.

If the year is unknown, the abbreviation n.d. or an estimated year in brackets takes the place of the year.

Examples - First note

     5. J. D. Browne, Forensic Science as a Career (London: Tower, n.d.).

     9. V. Smythe, Ant Colonies: How They Communicate (Canberra: Emu, [2007?]).

Examples - Bibliography

Browne, J. D. Forensic Science as a Career. London: Tower, n.d.

Smythe, V. Ant Colonies: How They Communicate. Canberra: Emu, [2007?].

Citing a Source Within a Source

Cite all known details of the original source, then type 'quoted in' and cite details of the source you are viewing.

Examples - First note

     2. G. E. Schwartz, "Personality and Health: An Integrative Health Science Approach," in The G. Stanley Hall Lecture Series: Vol. 7, ed. V. P. Makosky (Washington: American Psychological Association, 1987), quoted in Lorelle Burton, Drew Westen and Robin Kowalski, Psychology, 2nd ed. (Milton, Australia: Wiley, 2009), 576.

     6. J. C. Overholser, "Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Social Phobia," Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy 32 (2002): 125-144, quoted in Lorelle Burton, Drew Westen and Robin Kowalski, Psychology, 2nd ed. (Milton, Australia: Wiley, 2009).

Examples - Subsequent notes

     4. Schwartz, "Personality and Health."

     10. Overholser, "Treatment of Social Phobia."

Examples - Bibliography

Overholser, J. C. "Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Social Phobia." Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy 32 (2002): 125-144. Quoted in Lorelle Burton, Drew Westen and Robin Kowalski. Psychology. 2nd ed. Milton, Australia: Wiley, 2009.

Schwartz, G. E. "Personality and Health: An Integrative Health Science Approach." In The G Stanley Hall Lecture Series: Vol. 7. Edited by V. P. Makosky. Washington: American Psychologial Association, 1987. Quoted in Lorelle Burton, Drew Westen and Robin Kowalski. Psychology. 2nd ed. Milton, Australia: Wiley, 2009.

EndNote Reference Type

YouTube - Online Multimedia (enter full date in Date Recorded and nothing in Year, enter description in Contributors, enter YouTube video in Type of Work)