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UC Referencing Guide



Name of the Parliamentary Committee or House (Year) Debates, volume:pages.


Australian Capital Territory Legislative Assembly (2002) Debates, 14:2-3.

Australian House of Representatives (2011) Debates, 43:2-9.

EndNote Reference Type


Enter the volume and pages in the Pages field in the form 14:4-7

Citing a Source Within a Source

There are no formal guidelines for citing a source within a source in the Style Manual.  These instructions are based on the guidelines in the 6th edition of the Style Manual.

When citing a source you haven't read yourself, but which is referred to in a source you have read.

In-text reference

Lilly (as cited in Maxwell 1999:25) stated that '...'

'...' (Schwartz as cited in Burton, Westen and Kowalski 2009:63)

Reference list

Maxwell F (1999) Phonology, Brooks Cole, San Francisco.

Burton L, Westen D and Kowalski R (2009) Psychology, Wiley, Milton, Qld.