Treat conference proceedings as a book.
AGLC rule 6 (Books) |
Number Editor (ed), Title of Work (Brief Publisher, Edition ed, Year of publication) vol Volume, Pinpoint <http://xxxxx>. Number Author, Title of Work (Brief Publisher, Edition ed, Year of publication) vol Volume, Pinpoint <http://xxxxx>. |
14 Rosann Bizirjian and Vicky Speck (eds), Charleston Conference Proceedings (Libraries Unlimited, 2002) 23.
17 Zoe J Pearce, Appreciating Relationships Continuity and Change: Conference Proceedings (Australian Psychological Society, 2008) 10 <;res=IELHSS;isbn=9780909881375>.
AGLC rule 7.2.4 (Conference Papers and Similar Documents) | Number Author, 'Title of Paper' (Document Type, Name of Conference or Forum, Day Month Year of Conference) Pinpoint <http://xxxxx>. |
Note: Numbers of conferences and locations should not be included unless they are part of the name of the conference.
5 Robert Bernecky, 'An SPMD/SIMD Parallel Tokenizer for APL' (Conference Paper, APL 2003: Stretching the Mind, 11–14 June 2003) 15.
8 J W Tester, 'The Future of Geothermal Energy as a Major Global Energy Supplier' (Conference Paper, Sir Mark Oliphant International Frontiers of Science and Technology Australian Geothermal Energy Conference, 19–22 August 2008) 22 <>.
9 M Edge, 'Lifetime Prediction: Fact or Fancy?' (Conference Paper, Conference on Research Techniques in Photographic Conservation, 14–19 May 1995), 98.
13 J T Kahn, 'Electrical and Mechanical Design of Multipurpose Ducted Fan Type VTOL UAV' (Conference Paper, Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 8–11 May 2011) 17 <>.
Conference proceedings - Book or Edited Book
Conference paper - Conference Paper (enter full date in Year)
When a source is directly quoted in another work enter the reference as:
Full source, quoting Full source
Lorelle Burton, Drew Weston and Robin Kowalski, Psychology (Milton, 2nd ed, 2009), quoting J C Overholser, 'Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Social Phobia' (2002) 32 Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy 125.
When a source is cited (or just mentioned) in another work enter the reference as:
Full source, cited in Full source
G E Schwartz, 'Personality and Health: An Integrative health Science Approach' in VP Makosky (ed), The G. Stanley Hall Lecture Series: Vol 7 (American Psychological Association, 1987), cited in Lorelle Burton, Drew Weston and Robin Kowalski, Psychology (Milton, 2nd ed, 2009) 576.