Vancouver follows guidelines outlined in The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation for all legal materials. Examples outlined below are for Australian Parliamentary Debates (Hansard). Please consult The Bluebook for other jurisdictions.
Number. Jurisdiction, Parliamentary Debates, Legislative Chamber, Day Month Year of debate, page (full name of speaker and position, if applicable) (Country abbreviation, if not evident) URL
6. Australian Capital Territory, Parliamentary Debates, Legislative Assembly, 2002, 15.
14. Commonwealth, Parliamentary Debates, House of Representatives, 2 March 2011 (Austl.)
21. Commonwealth. Parliamentary Debates, House of Representatives, 25 June 2008, 5823 (Robert McClelland, Attorney-General) (Austl.)
Hearing (Enter Jurisdiction in Place Published, Chamber in Legislative Body)
When citing a source you haven't read yourself, but which is referred to in a source you have read.
Lilly as cited in Maxwell (3) stated that '...'
Burton (5) quoted Schwartz ...
3. Maxwell F. Phonology. San Franisco: Brooks Cole; 1999.
5. Burton L, Westen D, Kowalski R. Psychology. Milton (Australia): Wiley; 2009.
If no author or editor is present, start your reference with the Title of the item.
5. Macroeconomics, prices and quantities: essays in memory of Arthur M. Okun. Oxford: Blackwell; 1983.
If no location is present substitute an inferred place [Chicago?] or the phrase [place unknown].
If no publisher is present substitute the phrase [publisher unknown].
If no year is present substitute an approximate date [1976?] or the phrase [date unknown].
7. Smythe V. Ant colonies: how they communicate. Canberra: Emu Press; [2007?].
12. Browne JD. Forensic science as a career. London: Tower Publishing; [date unknown].
16. Hawaii [map on the Internet]. [place, publisher, date unknown] [cited 2012 Jul 20]. Available from: